
照片中,左邊是我母親。忙完一系列講座跟師訓後終於偷了個半天整理房間找到這張照片。雖然我母親在我8歲時就離開人世。相信她在彼端過得很好。照片中是我母親年輕時與她的學校友人在陽明山的某個角落禪坐的一幕。這也難怪女兒後來有當瑜伽老師的潛力。並且深愛音樂的我也可以從我母親還特別將黑膠唱盤帶上山可窺見一番. This is a pic of my mother, i found it tonight after I got a chance to clean my cupboards for the first time in ages. Shes sitting on the left side praying. Although she passed away when I was 8, I believe she is still having a wonderful life somewhere and I like to think that she still visits her favourite places in the city. This is a picture from the time she went to the mountainside with her classmate. I can see why I have potential to be a yogi! Also we both love music!! I can tell by her record player!



身體各項指數: BMI、體脂肪、內臟脂肪、基礎代謝率

Shad Kriyas : Nauli 瑜伽清潔法:吊胃
